your new life ignore your old life
User Rating: 9.3 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
Put your hand up if you do not know what harvest moon is. Come on hands up.If you put your hand up shame on you hang your head low LOWER!! For those who know what Harvest moon is good on you.Friends of mineral town adds to the winning formula ore heart events more crops and random weather it has it all.Well almost there is one thing missing from harvest moon than was in the N64 version.Guessed it that's right the one and only greenhouse.This little beauty would let you grow any crop in any season remember corn only grows in summer with the greenhouse it could even grow in winter.It's a shame harvest moon missed out a real oppertunity.Thankfully the rest of the game is greatyou only start off with 500g.Not a lot to start is it how you get more money is up to you do you blow all your money on seeds do you put an egg in the incubator get a chick wait for it to grow into a chicken and sell it for 500g.whatever you did you had to get lots of money to woo the girls.Marrying girls is another big part in the game they don't help you like they did in theN64 version but it's your only way to get a kid.In the end harvest moon is a game that sucks you in but won't let you go for a long time it will keep you hooked until the next harvest moon.
Good parts
. loads of stuff to do
. 6 girls of choice
. adds to the winning formula
. an addictive experince
Bad points
. your wife is a little lazy
. NO greenhouse BOO HISS!!!!