Prettty fun game. It does grow on you. The unlimited playing years, not so great, but hey, the gameplay is pretty cool.

User Rating: 8.7 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
As I said before, it's a fun game and all, but the unlimited years get's pretty boring after a while. It's fun with a challenge. The first...maybe five years are pretty awesome. I must admit that, but after about the sixth year, it gets kind of repetitive. Enough with the negative things though. The game play is awesome. It's fun and if you're a Harvest moon freak like me...well...I stayed up until midnight once playing this game. The sounds on the other hand were pretty lame. Again repetitive, but's the SP...what can you do. The graphics, not all that good. 2-d isn't all that exciting but again, what can you do. It's only an SP. The value, I have to say, is pretty great. I bought it off my friend for $10(not new), but it still works great and I would definitely recommend this to any gamer willing to spend hours upon hours to a game like this one.