Harvest Moon: Friend of mineral Town Overview
User Rating: 9 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
Harvest Moon: FoMT is a very nice game indeed, I love playing and it is an incredible game for the GBA. In Harvest Moon you play as a teen**I geuss** who when he was really young played on this farm that belonged to a old man that was his friend, NOT his grandpa. Your job is to build up the farm again, make lots of money, explore the world, and get hitched. That's right whithin the first three years, if you want, you can get married, have a son, or maby even a girl**Don't know for sure** Gameplay: The controles for this game can be confusing at first, but you'll find it's a lot faster than opening up the menu, opening up the back pack, Etc... you simply press a combonation of buttons to do something. Graphics: The graphics for this game a very nice, they look awesome. The frame rate is very nice and every thing is defined very well. If you've played Harvest Moon for GBC you saw that it was plain horrible, this one is one-hundred time better. Sound: There is plenty of sound for this game, you have a main tune that plays for each season, aswell as the sound for everything that you use pick up and put down. I myself think they did a nice job with the sound. Value: This is a great game, but it can become tedious after so long. I myself went three years in the game before it happend to me, but if you're a HM fan, it shouldn't happen to you. Overview: A superb game, I recommend buying it and knocking your socks off. There is one warning though. THIS GAME IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, YOU MUST BE WILLING TO PLAY FOR HOURS AT A TIME, BECAUSE IN A NUT SHELL, YOU CAN PLAY THIS GAME FOR WHAT SEEMS LIKE 30 MIN. AND IT ENDING UP TO BE AN HOUR OT TWO. Have fun.