This is one of those addicting games that will literally keep you playing for hours non stop.

User Rating: 9.3 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
Following a long line of hit games, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town for the GameBoy Advance pleases even the toughest of critiques. With its great GBA graphics and fun music, HM:FoMT has something for everyone.
The opinion of most people when they hear Harvest Moon is a farming game is, "That's stupid". Sure the concept SOUNDS stupid, but after only ten minutes of playing the game, you find that this is more than just a farming game.
What separates it from other Sims and RPG's? Well, obviously, farming. Along with farming, you can raise animals, get married, have children, make friends, buy houses, race horses, enter contests, enslave elves (well they're called Harvest Sprites), and many many more things.
The game's story is this: You visit a town called Mineral town with your mother and father. While visiting, you are invited to spend a few nights with a kind old farmer. Years after that, you return alone to find that your beloved old farmer friend has passed away. In the end, you end up taking the old farmer's place. With your trusty hammer, hoe, sickle, and hammer you must turn the run down farm into a cow milking, sheep shearing, horse raising, crop growing farm.
After a while, you get so good farming that you have a bunch of extra time in the day. You can chose to do one of two things with that extra time. You can sleep until the next day OR you can spend a day on the town or the mountain.
In the town you can stock up on cooking items that you can use to make all sorts of goodies with your kitchen. Or you could go fishing on the beach and sell the fish you catch. With a wide variety of fish to catch, fishing could last you all day in the game.
If you get bored with the town, head to spa for a relaxing bath or you can dig up some rare items in one of the two mines.
If for some reason you get bored with THAT, try finding a wife and settling down to start a family

Another one of the game’s great features is its ability to hook up to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GameCube). Through the AWL, you can unlock a secret house and secret characters. You can also get special things for AWL from FoMT.

With its lack of ultimate goal and infinite game play, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is one of those addicting games that will literally keep you playing for hours non stop.