Get ready to some Farm Work

User Rating: 9.1 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
Harvest Moon has always been considered a classic, but still now there wasn't a version that was awesome, all of them had some serious problems, but this one is great.

This game doesn't have many different things from the prior Harvest Moon games, it has the same style and goal. Here you'll find a big Farm for you to take care, you can raise sheep, cows, chickens, a horse and a Dog. As you advance in the game you will be able to upgrade your house, build new accommodations and of course get married.

Now you'll find some crazy creatures, which i can't remember the name, that will help your farm to develop if you help them and do good things to them.

Graphically the game isn't impressive and the sound effects are repetitive and annoying but this is not the point of a game like this.

In the town there will be lots of people for you to meet and have relationships, unfortunately there isn't enough time during the day for you to do al your activities, so or you have to take care of your farm or you have to visit the town and talk to your friends.