Hero of Leaf Valley provides what any HM game offers. Endless soil toil. At least some titles, anyways. Fans of HM, rejoice. Another game of livestocks and crops.
What I liked most from this game is the story as it provides a fair amount of challenge. You have 2 years to save your grandpa's homeland against a company who want to evict the townfolks from their home for the sake of creating a funland(tourist carnival hotspot). Aside from farming and befriending townspeople, you really have a goal to achieve. Something worth figh..errr...playing for.
Farming and taking care of livestocks generally shares the same mechanics as other HM games. What I don't like is the 8x8 square that you'll use to plant your crops with. Although, I understood that I won't have the time to tend more than 8X8 square of soil it's still way too small compared to, let's just say, HM: Friends Of Mineral Town. Grandpa, where's that large hectare of land you've promised me so that I could plant nothing but loads of strawberries and pohtatos in it? What, you didn't said such thing? Why you no go----
Next up, is the holiday/festival events. One thing that saves HM from being a repetitive and boring farming sim are its festivals. Toiling all year round takes a toll. That's way it's called tolling. Holidays much like in real life are really something to look forward to. Although, adding a little bit more festivals could've been nice. As I find it lacking. To prove my point: there's only what seems to be 2 festive events per season.
Fishing and mining are present in here too. It's a bit different from other titles and it's more fun as there are slight changes in the game mechanics. Cooking recipes are here although it's a bit tedious unless you've memorized the recipe. Consult your recipe book on your bedroom/living room then proceed to go your kitchen which is situated in the other room. The recipe book could've been in the kitchen instead so as to conserve time spent in real life.
After completing part 1 of the story (that is saving your homeland), you're given another task to complete. Another excuse to play the game a little bit more. New farm upgrades and some town features are unlocked. And finally, a chance to get lai...errr...I mean married. Aside from that, there's not much to keep playing on really. What transpires in the first two years of the main character's life takes the bulk of the game. The rest are bonuses for having a job well done in saving the homeland.
But don't let it dissuade you. Hero of Leaf Valley by all means is a good game. The decision to have it on the PSP is like a match made on heaven(as far as good and enjoyable games do). If you like the Harvest Moon series, then this is definitely worth the buy.