Harvest Moon: Magical Melody eh?
• Very Little Camera Control
- There is very little control over the camera, the only thing you can do with the camera... is zoom in and out. It is really too bad after the advancments which were brought together in Harvest Moon: AWL.
• People...
- It is somthing really different where people dont start all in the town, you need to unlock the characters. It can really be frustrating to have to 'unlock' the people you would like to see in your town. Can be frustrating, but a challenge in itself.
• Where You Live
- It is really cool that they give you the choice of three eligable farm plots to choose from. But sadly they all have pro's and con's. I wish that they could actually give more information though before you have to pick. They only give some vague details when you are choosing a land plot, which can be frustrating after you choose your plot to find out you don't like them. They should show a preview of the lot you are going to buy BEFORE you have to choose one. It would make it much better, then just throwing a big decision in your face.
Above all though, I think this is one to add to your collection. It is really interesting to see the new art style incorperated to the game. So if you have $40.00 ready in hand, and you feel like a good RPG, pick this one up. You will probably enjoy it.