You find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, while sometimes you MAY get an exciting twist, but its rare.
It's really fun, right as soon as you get it. But living life on a farm isn't all it's cracked up to be. While you have about 12 bachelors to choose from (that's including the secret ones) and you can buy new animals almost any/every day, you will eventually find yourself doing the Exact Same Routine Every Single Day!!! Now and then you go mining (gets you SOME money) or try to impress a guy, the entire game is 2 things: farming/getting a guy so he can move in with you, all in all, a letdown, I give gameplay a 6.
For a second, imagine all other GBA games, add a blonde girl with blue eyes, some cows, a few chickens, a horse, and a couple lambs and you have this game, I give it a 4 on graphics.
The most you ever hear is the background music, which repeats itself all too often, the warning bell, which warns you at 8pm to put all your animals away, and the rare waves if you're on the beach. Not much to grade, so I give the sound a 5.
Lousy! You will get bored after 2 hours of playing it, I did, if you want a short-term game (meaning you play it for 30min and you Never Play It Again) then this is your game, and it's a great value for you. Me? not so much Value: 6
Reviewer's Tilt
Most games you don't find yourself doing the same thing over and over again until at least a day later, not with this game, I found myself doing the same thing over and over again within 2 hours, lame, I give it a 5.