A game to have for puzzle and horror lovers!
The part i likee best about the game is NO LOADING TIME!! (exept when there's gonna be a cutscene) You can walk through the castle almost freely( you'll see why i say `almost' later) and enjoy the gorgeous graphics.
The graphics are very realistic and deserve special recognition. Smooth with hardly and glitches, you wont be frustrated trying to get her out of a wall if she's stuck, like some other games.
Gameplay is very nice and fun with the storyline keeping in suspense most of time. When Fiona gets scared or panic the screen will gradually turn greyer and fuzzier, adding to the horror experience. After certain point, she will become extremely scred and start falling and bouncing of walls as well as accidentally running into them.
As Fiona tries to make her way out of the castle( facing MANY puzzles along the way) She will be chased by one of the castles mad residents( the retarded caretaker, the crazy maid, the power hungry...i dont know what he is, and the old and young owner( yes, he is old AND young). To lose them, you can use many methods. The easiest is to find a hiding place, thought if you use the same one over and over again. You can use hewie( ill mention later) to stall them while you run away, or you can knock them out with hewie's help. The last one isn't easy and you can end up dying yourself( in case you don't know, that's not a good thing...).
And every heroine needs a sidekick( or rather in this case, a very handy pet). Cue hewie, the cute white german shepard. You can order hewie to attack, scold him, praise him, call him to you, or even just shake hands! Though at the beggining, hewie wont always follow what you say. You need to train him a little, by praising him when he does something good( like stalling an enemy) or scolding him when he does something wrong( like letting the enemy beat you up while he sits, licking his paws...)
Toghether, Fiona and Hewie make the game a lot of fun! Though, if you're easily scared, you may be a little jumpy even when you're done playing the game. The puzzles can vary from being exremely easy to extremely hard.
If you're a horror or puzzle fan, i would definetly reccomend this game. Even the normal RPG player will enjoy the game :).