so much hype but such a big disapointment

User Rating: 2 | Haze PS3
well what can i say about this fps haze...well rubbish would be one abysmal would be another...timesplitters had hyped up haze to changed the way we played first person shoot when in fact it just bores us...everthing about the game feels half done...the graphics are quiet frankly **** ps2 like were near the standard of other ps3 games such as mgs4...the gameplay is nothing we havent seen before save the nectar...when you press L2 you get a shot of nectar which makes your sences sharper and makes your enemies glow yellow...this makes the game very easy even on the hardest on to the story which i finished in about 3 hours...u start off as a mantel troop but u switch to the rebels early on in the would thing this would maked the game more exciting and difficult right???wrong the game same as before except hat you can role forward thats conclusion haze a massive disapointment and i would recommened to not buy it...