ups and downs
Yes, the A.I. is pretty much awful for both your allies and your enemies, but some of that makes it difficult to predict their actions and makes you think on your feet and really learn how computer players will react, much more difficult than it would seem. guns feel good, grenades feel decent, at times are hard to determine how far away you actually are throwing it. Both sides have generous advantages depending on your playing style, both feel good and are truly fun to play with. Online game-play at first will feel one sided, first impressions to mantel, then to the promise-hand, but after awhile of playing both sides will feel equal once you get used to playing.
Although the game does get very annoying at times, and i will actually change the channel on my TV to watch cable during some split scenes and dialog, i liked playing the game a lot, for just pure shooting fun, i don't think i could have much of a better decision, and enjoyed the campaign much more than COD4's short lived campaign.