Well, it's not the best shooter, but.....

User Rating: 7.5 | Haze PS3
Well, I'm finally back after being sick for a couple of days.

While I was sick, I finally finished the story mode and now I'm playing it on Extra Hard.

Let's get this review started:


They don't have the best graphics in this game. Alot of people like to use the "Call of Duty 4" as their base of best graphics, which are good, so I'll leave it at that. Theses graphics remind me of Turok, but alot sharper and crispy looking. There were a few parts of the graphics I wish they would of fixed for example: Jungle stage, should of had the bushes being pushed down as you walk into it. More body sound when you walk or sorta run (while on nectar). I wouldn't say that the graphics suck, but they aren't the best. Perfect middle as I would say.


To tell you the truth, I digged the sound. The reloading of the gun was top notched and voices were okay (some parts I thought was kinda whack, but you get over it after while) Bullet sounded very good too.


If you leave it on standard it will be a new thing, but you have that WONDERFUL custom control power and I had it just like Call of Duty 4 (YES!!).

Replay Value:

It depends on YOU. For me, I think it has good amount of RP value. Online mode is pretty cool, it's nothing to WOW over, but it's a nice little kick back game to play with a couple of buddies. Now, if you can't play online (for some people) I believe it will be low due to the short story mode (I thought it was short, some said 7-8 hrs, but I thought it was like 5-6 IMO) Extra Hard mode gives you a challenge, I'll admit that. It's very good and it will test out your skills. So, if you like a challenge, then I suggest you play it on this level. Will you get anything for finishing it? I don't know, I'll be finding out soon.


Game isn't that bad, I think it lacks a long story mode. Needed more time on graphic works, but everything else was dead set on. I had my fun time playing this game and hopefully you too.

Should you buy this game for $59 price tag? Yes and No, I'll explain.

Yes, If you have the money to spare and in need of a new shooter game, then yes. If you want to play online and smack that you know what all over the floor, go for it. Like I said, it's not a bad online game, it will take you sometime to get used to all the stuff around the map, but it's cool.

No, Story mode too short.

If you can find this game for $40 -$45 dollars, I suggest you pick it up. Give it a month or two and I'm sure you'll see it on sale for that price in stores.

Well, I hope this helped you out. Probably my most longest review since I got back.

Thanks for looking.