You love it or you Hate it. I suggest you borrow it or rent it before you buy it.
It's not brilliant but it's not a total let down either, the story line is ok some action packed parts but some scenes are a bit dragged out for my liking.
But i would say you should at least play Haze for a good hour or so before you make your mind up as it can slowly grow on you as you play.
campaign seems better played in co-op mode with a friend as it seems to be the small features that count such as you have to revive your team mate if he's down injured and other stuff alike. Not so thrilling when played alone
and you can give up in boredom although its not the difficulty, its quite easy really, but just the repetitiveness in the game gets too much to bare at times.
But i believe it is B-rate game that you SHOULD play at least once or twice as it's daring to be different but it's definitely not worth the money it's priced at at this moment in time. (£40)
I rate it a 7.0
(please tell me what you thought of this review as it is my first, Thank you).