Best Hardcore Strategy Game Out There
The game lets you take care of all the major asspects of running a country.
Diplomacy-Trading for resources to supply your industry, Bringing others to your goverments point of view, and making friends and enimies
Intel-Here you can send spies out to any country you wish to learn more about or perhaps sabotage there industries or bring down the national unity of the people.
Tech-Theres over 100 things you can research here to give your army the advantage over the enemy and almost all of them you can research again to improve them like contiuosly upgrading your destroyer arments or perhaps your nation is lacking in energy so you research to lessen the need to trade for it.
Polotics-Hear you control the ministers in your country to recive bonuses you need at the time and you choose the laws you wish to be inacted to help best suit your needs like specialist training over no traing or Large scale eductaion investments over minimal each having there advantages over the other.
Production-Here you design your divisions and begin to train your troops. Aswell you must control your investment into supplies, reinforcements, upgrades and consumer goods to keep your people happy.
All of these aspects can be controlled by you but if its to much for you to handle you can assign the Ai to control it until you feel fit to take back control over it.
The game takes place on the world map as you order your armies, navies, and airforce around in attempts to gain or defend territtories the map is vast and so you must really plan ahead of time. Planning ahead also takes place in the production screen as you decide what kind of soilders your going to need. For instance as i was playing as Japan once i decided to invest the bulk of my industry into an army over a navy as i decided rather than preparing to fight america i would attempt to make maximum territory gains in the asian surrondings to capture some other nations industries and be able to build more of a navy later. However just because you have the biggest army doesent mean much. The ai will really try to take advantage of your weak points and try to set you into bad positions like surronding a section of your troops from your main army and slowly knocking them off or making it so your troops run out of supplies so they cant fight back efficently.
Over all this is the greatest strategy game of its kind ive played. For those who might think its turned based its not its an RTS. The game does have two downfalls however the game can run slow on even some of the best computers and paradox likes to use the players as beta testers rather than putting all of their time in to testing rather than developing so if you cant handle a few bugs you might want to wait a month or two until the game is all patched up and mint. A must have for any Total War, Risk, Axis and Allies, or other games like that.