An average/good game in a not-so-pretty package. If you want a Flight Sim more combat focused, it'll prolly do th

User Rating: 6.9 | Heatseeker WII
So most likely you're planning to pick this one up because 'cause you need some mindless explosions on the Wii.
Now, "Burnout on the Sky" is a little far fetched, though. The game takes some time to take off.
Lets make it short.

The GAMEPLAY is nothing really new, tho the Wii controller does adds some new flavor to the average Flight/Combat simulator formula. Even on Expert setting (more control over the plane) is surprisingly easy to pick up. Campaign mode has you going trough objectives that range from "Blow up ships" to "Blow up fighters" to "Blow up enemy base". Believe it or not, it is fun, albeit not too challenging, unless you play in "Ace" difficulty. Picking the right plane AND the right weapon set for each mission are also key, though that only becomes aviable after a few 30 minutes playing.

The GRAPHICS are nothing special. Even for the PS2, let alone for the Wii. The water, the buildings, the trees... there's nothing particularly pretty to look at. Not that you're going to be sightseeing while blowing up F-14s, but you just KNOW they could have done at least a little better. The "Impact Cam" and guided missile's cam are novel ideas, but the mostly serve to remind you of how past-gen the graphics are.

If it could be divided into "Sound FX" and "Music", then the SOUND could be fairly a hit-and-miss. The explosions, the afterburners, the wind as you descend and the sonic booms are all impresive, but the music even when it tries doesnt help speed up the gameplay. You'd expect this game to use the SD Card feature to play with your own music (Come on, TELL ME you WOULDN'T download "The Danger Zone" theme just to play it with this game) but thats not the case. The voices are your average, not trying to hard but not unconvincing either.

For $30, the game's value would be fine. For $50, -the Wii version's price- you either trade some unused games or wait for a used copy unless you're a true fan of flight combat, or simply if you're looking for something new on your Wii. I'd pick this up over Blazing Angels or Wing Island any day.

Good luck on your first fifty tries landing on a carrier.