A Prince of persia type game This game dots the Is and crosses the Ts although the game is a great game it suffers from.
User Rating: 7.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
..........One thig .Repition.Repitition.Repitition.Repition.Repition.Repition.Bored yet.This is how it makes me feel.Annoyed.Yes it is a good game with great bosses and good cut scenes + an good plot in the sense taht its not to complicated which isnt a bad thing but if done wrong can f** the game up.The game play is a button masher so if you dont want to get your prescious controller destroyed dont bother ,as well as this the combat is not complex and doesnt do great when a boss is one minuscule bar away and you die because the damn game doesnt respond quick enough(Its the game............... i think)
There isnt a lot of replayabilty which doent help the game and after one goon after another you wouldnt really want to play it again.A good game but suffering from to many repitative enemies doesnt make it anything special.