A similar game to God of War but not as fun.
User Rating: 7.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
Heavenly Sword follows Nariko and Kai whose village protects the heavenly sword from an attacking king. Nariko has to use the sword though to save her village. But by using the sword it ensures that she will die because the sword will slowly suck away her life. The action is mostly just go around smashing people up but with Kai you get to shoot arrows using the sixaxis which is fun. Animation of special attacks are fun to watch. The story is not bad. The game however is very short at around 7 hours. The game ends much too quickly to be a great game. It is also a very easy game with not much skill involved; you just have to run up to someone and press buttons. Atleast there are different attacks you can do with the heavenly sword including strength, range, and quick attacks that add diversity to the gameplay. The game is average and I do not recommend buying it as it is much too short of a game to spend sixty dollars on.