Heavenly Sword, a shorty for the rental kings and queens. A good game, so short you actually look for more.

User Rating: 8.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
Let's start out by saying this is a good game, even though it is a female version of "God of War". The graphics are very good, but not great. The game play was also good. At times the game can get real cheesy. Your sword passes through your intended target, but theirs always hit its mark.
The after-touch takes a while to get, but once you have it, it a great resource. May be in HS 2 they'll give them eagle eye vision and you can zoom in on distant target. The story line is great and I really got into it, but the game is short, really short. May be the developers did it on purpose so we might yearn for more, hopefully HS2 will be longer and not so cheesy. Over all I did enjoy the game, I recommend it as an excellent rental. I bought it for $10.00, and I am happy with my purchase. $39.99, may be a little to high of a price considering the games length.