A female takes the lead role to kill everything in her path...nicccce

User Rating: 7.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
All together I thought that Heavenly Sword was a good game, almost a great game but just almost. There were a few things that held it back but also many things that made it great.

I liked the Heavenly sword for its ability to transform into one of three weapons all with the press of a button. To make the game more of a challenge they made the swords different forms not only an addition but a necessity. Some enemies are heavier, thus, they need the bigger blade.

The big thing that dragged it down was the way you got metals in the game. While some missions were all too easy to get the required points others required you to use just the right moves in just the right order, which stole from the game in my opinion.

Besides this its a good game that PS3 owners should play but think before buying.