Heavenly Sword is a Visual Masterpiece.
The graphics in this game are simply top notch. I feel like a broken record but this has to be one of the best looking PS3 games out there so far. I facial animations are by far the best I've seen in any game to date. I can go as far as saying even better than Mass Effect just from the videos I've seen so far. The voice acting in the game is right up there with the visual. Aside from that I've noticed little hiccups in the game while moving around frame rate tends to drop down but not so much to a point that takes you away from the fun in the game.
The controls in the game are really tight and deep. You have three different fighting styles in the game. You have speed, power, and range which make game really fun to play when it comes to fighting. There's a variety of combos that you can do in the game which are cool to look at. Also you have auto block which takes a little getting use to when you playing a hack and slash game like God of War and Ninja Gaiden. Compare to those games Heavenly Sword is a cake walk but it starts to get a little difficult at times. You also have great sixaxis controls in the game which work pretty well in the game doesn't feel added on just for the sack of it like in other games.
The game will probably take you a good 6 to 10 hours to play through. Also once you finish the game on the normal difficulty you will unlock Hell mode. So if you're looking for a game to fill that void like me until the flood of great games come out this is a good game to get right now. If you're tight on money I would give this game a rent. This is a must play game if you're a PS3 owner. Trust me you will not regret playing this game with the non stop action adventure in this game.