It's a shame that so many people along with the game critics out there have given this game low scores just for being a so called short game. Take the game for what it is and then rate it!!! It's a cinematic action game!! Hints the word "CINEMATIC." For those that don't know what that is it basically means it has movie like elements. If they were going to make a game that was over 100 hrs of play time they would have called it an epic action game!!! This game should get no less of an 8.5 rating from anyone. I'll start with the graphics. There is only one way to explain it, just flat out beautiful. From the character animations to the cinematic cut scenes to the environments. Heavenly Sword is non stop eye candy. The cut scenes in general are truly amazing. The facial expressions and character details are one to behold. Next is the sound. The voice acting in the game is truly one of the best I've ever heard in any game. Each actor plays there part perfectly never giving you an idea that they cheeped out in the voice department. The score and sound effects combined with the great surround sound places you in the center of the action. Next is gameplay. This is where some say it gets repetitive. This I again have to disagree. Again take the game for what it is, an action game!!! It's funny how FPSs don't get the "repetitive" tag. Honestly how may ways you shoot someone can get a little old, lol. But with Heavenly Sword the combo system keeps the action fresh in my opinion. Instead of mashing the buttons, trying to master the counter attacks and combos keep the battles intense throughout the game. I've also heard that the characters you fight get repetitive. This to me isn't a big deal at all since your fighting like 5 billion of them at the same time who cares what they look like, lol. Besides with the shooting sequences with Kai (she is another character you get to play at certain places in the game) and the boss fights keep the gameplay fresh throughout. Also just to through this in for gameplay, many say it's like God for War...ok think about is that a bad thing, lol. Next is replay value. This for some is the place it hurts most. If your not interested in mastering the combo system or playing it in Hell mode after you complete it the first time. There's not much for you to go back to. But for me, I've had a blast playing it and will return many times just to master the combos and watch a great story unfold again and again. Finally the overall rating. For me I give it a 9. With the beautiful graphics and voice acting it earns that score alone, but the combination of fast paced action battles adds to the fun. The only draw back from giving it a perfect score is the replay value and length. Though length isn't a big deal to me to drop the rating much because they've done a great job with everything else it still leaves you with wanting more. Besides that it's an incredible gaming experience on the highest scale. I highly recommend this game for anyone who loves cinematic action games or just action games in general!!!
Much has been said about Ninja Theory's action-adventure starring the fiery red-head Nariko. Called a shameless God of War clone with roots going back to the days of the original XBox and reviews both amazingly positive ... Read Full Review
Heavenly Sword was without a doubt one of the most highly anticipated PS3 titles since it was first shown way back at E3 05. It was meant to show the PS3's graphical prowess and be one of the big system sellers for the ... Read Full Review