Great game. Can you ever please gamespot or anyone?

User Rating: 9 | Heavenly Sword PS3
Did anyone stop to consider the megabytes it takes to create a game like this? There were 10 gigabytes of music alone for this game. 4500 lines of dialogue and an hour and half of cut scenes that is the length of an average movie (which they did compare it to) sorry to point out but that is alot of work. The two things gamespot said bad about the was length and not enough diversity in the enemies. And yet they rated rainbow six Vegas a nine and all you did was shoot the same people over and over again and do the same things over and over again and yet it is a top pick for them. I like Vegas fun game but don't bash one game for game play and praise another with the same scheme. And as for the length I have little time to sit around the house and play games so it didn't bother me.