The beginning of the line of great games to come to the PS3 is here.

User Rating: 9.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
A gorgeous presentation and stylized world is created with this game. The best thing about this game I believe is the characters in it. From Nariko herself, to the generals, to King Bohan all the characters come to life with depth and personality that is usually not present in a video game. It is almost like a hollywood blockbuster movie. The fighting system is superb and the superstyle moves are great fun to watch and perform. The game mixes it up with the character Kai and her unique style of play. Kai unlike most alternate characters is not a burden to play with but actually really inventive and as enjoyable to play as Nariko herself.

The puzzle system doesn't invoke much thought. It consists of hats and gongs and while this was a neat idea the first time I did it. Why would it be cool to do it again and again? But puzzles aren't really what this game is about. It's about fast pace action that will keep you coming back for more.

It is shorter than one would wish for but the story winds up so neatly that if it was any longer it would just drag. All together a great game to add to the collection.