It's over?! Noo!!! AWESOME GAME, but when you're having fun, games end quickly.

User Rating: 9.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
This game has to be one of the most amazing games I've played to date; instant fun, fast learning curve, and not over the top difficult. Let's start off with the BEST asset of this game; the acting of the characters during cut scenes; they're simply AMAZING! The overall voice acting and actual mannerisms of the characters during cut scenes is enough to rival to Metal Gear at some points; though they're nowhere near as long. Character's show their emotions so fluidly they're almost human!

Gameplay wise, people would compare this game to God of War, I made the comparison to Dynasty Warriors personally; especially the opening fight, and one of the ending fights; where you simply cleave through hordes of enemies without much effort. There are three basic attack types; ranged, quick, and strong. Honestly, I think you can beat the game with ranged if you wanted to; without using the others; but they give you advantages against some of the enemies. The countering and blocking system was too annoying for me honestly, having to guess your enemies attack and quickly hitting that button to block it; not my cup of tea. The boss fights, at times were unfair, and very annoying; but once you find the niche, you can take them down fairly easily. They have a weird habit of ignoring your attacks, or simply knocking you back and appearing behind you before you can react, to injure you.

The final boss fight, in my opinion was very cheap, as he had a MEGA advantage on you; all you really got in comparison was a white glow, and that was about; nothing changed, he could fly, shoot fire, shoot ice; launch ravens, move at super speed..and you got a white glow.

The button sequencing at the end of the boss fights was unique and added a twist to the fights; but if you didn't figure it out, you would never kill the boss and might end up fighting them for ages (ala Forced Unleashed).

Overall this game NEEDS to be in everyone's library.