Very Interesting
GOOD: Lovely visuals and animations, Amazing voice acting, Motion Capture at its best.
BAD: Too short, Gameplay can be repetitive sometimes.
Heveanly sword one of the PS3's finest exclusives this is a great game but it does have its flaws. First of all the motion capture
is prolbably one of the best Ive seen its really that good and the voice acting is phenomenal. Now the gameplay is pretty much
a hack & slash it plays like the GOW series. Now the problem with the gameplay is that its very repetitive at times altho
you do get to control diferent characters and play a whole bunch of minigames. The story is great thats all im gonna say because
i don't want to spoil anyone. The dissapointing thing about this game is its short lengh you can pretty much complete this game
6-8 hours altough you can try betting the game again in a harder dificulty.
Heavnly sword is a must for PS3 owners its one PS3's best exclusive and you should defenetly pick it up.