An Interactive CG Movie!!

User Rating: 9 | Heavenly Sword PS3
This was a gaming surprise. The game's graphics are incredible. But, moreso than that, the story line is fantastic. To be able to actually play the 'cut scenes' seemlessly is unbelievable!! The cg movie characters are rendered almost to perfection. This is the first game that the characters look like they're ACTUALLY MOUTHING THE WORDS THEY'RE SPEAKING!!! The game flows very nice & smooth (minus the stop times after each chapter to select which direction to go (forward, or to retry the level)). The only real achilles heal that I found, was the lack of spread of button use. There's no blocking button, 2 attack buttons, & some other random sparsely used buttons. However, the use of the sixaxis when firing the cannons/throwing projectiles/etc., is major! It pulls you deeper into the game. Overall, for 1nce, this was a game that lived up to the pre-release hype. This is a fantastic game.