Heavenly Sword Review By ANIALATOR136

User Rating: 8 | Heavenly Sword PS3
I really don't see much wrong with this game I don't really understand why it has been under rated. I liked to be a heroine for a change. Especially a cool looking one. The cutscenes are great the acting is fine. They have chosen the right actors to play the characters and you really start to like the charcters but maybe the story ends to soon. I loved using the six-axis in this title. It has got to be the best use of six-axis so far. You have to guide arrows shot by kai's crossbow into the unsuspecting enemies. Its Great!
The graphics arent brilliant and neither is the physics but this is still a different experience to a shooter and is a good exclusive for PS3 many speculations have been made about the games heroine Nariko being Playstations Hero icon.
There is alot of jumping around quickly tapping buttons to perform combos.
This is great for gamers who are fans of Dynasty Warriors.
I probably wouldnt reccomend you purchase a copy but you should definitely rent this one in the near future...