A promising and rewarding game, that unfortunately lack longevity too keep you please long enough.
The story line is very deep, and kind of places you in a state of mind, that you're playing a movie or taking part in show like Xenia Warrior Princess, but not exactly by script :D. The story line in general, is about a women name Nareko (not spelled right) and the difficulty she finds in uncovering the truth of her life and the purpose and path she must follow with the Heavenly Sword, which carries a unique history that you'll uncover within the game. The sword ultimately becomes more of burden for her than a reward. With devastating enemies wanting the sword and Nareko life at every turn, it turns more into a game of survival, than a hero who is just going out too face the bad guy.
The graphics and game play are promising, and it truly shows the power of what the PS3 can bring too a game. If you've played games like DMC or GOW, you'll 9-10 get the mechanics down quickly. It is a hack and slash game after all, so it isn't hard too grasp to be mildly good at. The six axis, which is another unique thing in the game (No offense) is terrible in this game. So I highly recommend before you do anything, that you turn it off (thank you for a option to so), cause you'll have some unnecessary problems, if you chose to keep it on. Another unique and fun aspect too this game over others, is the fact that you can do combos that can be turn into a cinematic scene with the power of the Heavenly sword, which looks nice! The bosses unfortunately though, aren't exactly and hard too beat, but the design of each boss is amazing, and the AI within each of them, is very responsive to your actions makes up for it.
The overall game is great, but there is one problem that I've saved for last, and that's is? The game is short! It's unfortunate, but it's a fact. You'll 9-10 beat this game in one day. If you're casual gamer or not, which to me, is very disappointing. You can of coarse play Hell mode too give you challenge, but after that? Well You'll 9-10 get tired of the game quickly. All and all, the game is great, and well worth a try. I wouldn't recommend as a buy, cause of the fact I stated above, but games aren't going too support themselves, so it's your call.