Compelling, immersive and downright thrilling.
I must start by saying that I've generally been a fan of games that try something "different" (Afrika, Mirror's Edge), or bring a new slant to a genre (Assassin's Creed), or tie a compelling story to excellent characters and downright awesome gameplay (Metal Gear Solid series)...Even if the game is flawed in it's delivery (Way of the Samurai, Wet, Colosseum, Bladestorm).
So yeah I'm a sucker for variety. Heavy Rain gives just that. By now we're all getting used to the button prompt segments in games such as Heavenly Sword or Uncharted but Heavy Rain uses them as the central mechanic...Along with the varying motions of the right stick. But yada yada we've heard all that. We've also heard about the "no right and wrong" branching storyline which in itself is brilliant because whatever you do you feel as if you're just advancing the story naturally and not being asked to re-do a section because you "failed". Ultimately it's up to you whether you shoot or persuade someone, take a challenge or go through the door marked "coward", accept a drink or refuse it.....These really make you close to these characters whose lives you are living.
There are so many sections of the game I want to discuss but won't. As the lives of the four main characters and numerous supporting cast intertwine you'll find yourself reacting differently to them, rooting for some more than others, wanting to achieve everything you can for one or trying hard for another.
The game plays with your emotions and morality throughout. From "fun" moments at the start when you're swordfighting with your son (sure you could win your play fight but, as a father, do you want to let your child win?) to jarringly brutal times where you have to decide what exactly you WILL do for someone you love, as the game's tagline says....Especially playing as Ethan my emotions have done everything. I've been happy, shocked, sad, hopeful, depressed, stunned, terrified...Even from early on the game transports you into the role of loving father.
As Madison I've experienced suspicion, the need to help, fear and downright horror in a chapter lifted straight out of a modern day Saw/Hostel style movie.
Every chapter plays out so perfectly. There have been numerous scenes that have stayed with me, that have put me on the edge of my seat, made me gasp, made me shudder....The "Oh snap!" thing I guess. It's taken tones and emotions from the best written thriller novels and movies and transported you there into the thick of the action. It's so hard to explain without giving away some stunning moments...but wow.
The game even gets stressful in the many sections that are very much "against the clock" as you fumble to press the buttons in time to escape, or catch someone, knowing that if you take too long or make mistakes then things will play out differently to how you'd hoped...But then they'd still play out...just differently!
A word on the graphics - I've had none of the glitching mentioned in the Gamespot review. No black screens, no cutting, no problems like that. It's been smooth, smooth, smooth and gorgeous to look at. Madison's model especially looks and moves incredibly and there are moments (like a baby) when you first catch sight that it's eerily close to real life. Some of the best graphics I've seen on any format without doubt. I have experienced the slight blurring and refocussing when zooming in on an item once but I remember it because it was only once.
The control for movement is much maligned and yeah sometimes it's annoying because you walk the wrong way or feel like an ocean tanker but most of the time it's fine. Indeed the 0.5 rating drop from 10 is due to the walking around.
Anyway, whatever I say won't do this game full justice. It's a stunning piece of art, telling a magnificent story with many endings to try and ways to play out the characters. It's easy to invest yourself into these really believable characters with their own strengths and weaknesses and when you have, then we can talk together about all the amazing stuff we've experienced in the game.