
User Rating: 9 | Heavy Rain PS3
Heavy Rain is unlike any other game I have ever played. It starts off kind of slow, but that is understandable, because it is almost like a movie, and you need to get attached to the characters, as well as accustomed to the control methods, but once it gets going, it is so intense I have a hard time stopping! All the characters are well-developed, I played for about 7 hours straight last night, and I did not really notice any major plot holes as mentioned in gamespot's review, and as far as how the individual characters interact, at least with the decisions I have made, it makes perfect sense how they end up meeting each other. The graphics are amazing, while there are a few instances of stuttering on rare occasion, and every now and then there may be some weird graphical glitch, on the whole, they are remarkable, and, in my opinion, the amount of graphical detail accounts for, as well as makes up for, any of the slight graphical problems that might occasionally be found. This game is fairly short, since the story rushes alone like a really long movie. Once you've beaten it you can go back and replay it differently so that you get all of the trophies, if you are so inclined, but other than that it doesn't really seem to have a lot of replay value. At least, I didn't really feel like replaying it once I knew what was going on, although I considered it to see if I could pick up on things I hadn't before, but I've got a lot of other games I haven't beaten yet to play. If you are somewhat skeptical about how the controls are unlike other games, I recommend you try downloading the demo, which gives a pretty decent preview of the game. I personally find that the controls allow you do a lot of things that you probably wouldn't be able to do in a game with a normal control scheme, such as easily selecting specific items, and thoughts/actions. So overall, I think the controls are pretty great, with the exception that at first I was always trying to move the camera around like one would expect in a third-person view, but it is a fixed camera angle, and all you can do is press a button to change it to a slightly different view, which can sometimes be annoying, because the new camera angle isn't always any better than the other one. Also, sometimes the little boxes that tell you what button to press can get hidden behind your character, forcing you to back off a little to see what you need to be doing, however, this has only happened to me probably twice, so not a big deal. So, in conclusion, I think this is a great game, and highly recommend that anyone who is mature enough (this game is NOT for kids, whatsoever!) definitely give it a play through!