Put it this way; if you like spending up to hours on end doing the simplest of tasks, you'll love this game.

User Rating: 8 | Heavy Rain PS3
To be honest, I found it hard to review this game. It's a mix of good, bad, boring, interesting, and parts where you just can't help but scratch your hear and say WTF! Yep, there's a lot of that in there, but despite all of this, you'll still want to push on and finish the game. What for? I don't know. It's really quite an immersive story, I guess. But there are some sketchy parts, so don't expect perfection.


The Graphics and sound are top quality. No doubt about it...10/10. The story, as mentioned before is captivating, but a little too deep for my liking. So wether that's a Pro or Con, is up to you. The combat is interesting and different, but by no means something where you go 'WOW! That was cool.' It's really all the same as the regular controls.


The one thing that defined this game as 8/10 were the controls. This part is weird. Basically it's like Sims, in that you have to do almost everything...open the fridge to get out juice, shake juice, open lid and drink, put juice back in fridge and close door. All of that was just one action-DRINKING JUICE!! And yet, you have to move R3 in a certain pattern to do every one of those small actions in order to drink some juice. Yep, that's the part where I scratched my head and said WTF? Even walking is a challenge, holding R2 and using L3 to move around gets pretty annoying. Why not just L3? You'll be asking these questions all game.

Like I said, this game isn't perfect, but there are still some parts that will grab you. The best advice I can give is if you liked Sims, you'll love this game, but if you're like me and have better things to do than spend ten minutes drinking juice, leave this game alone.