One of the best games I've played in a long time.
Never the less, there was no way I wasn't going to at least give Heavy Rain a test drive. Fortunately the game not only met my expectations, but exceeded them. As a general rule of thumb linear games should be long while games with multiple endings should be short. Heavy Rain isn't short but it isn't long either, taking around 10-12 hours to beat. Still the story is versatile enough and exciting enough that you'll want to go back into certain parts and see other ways in which you could influence the outcome and with Heavy Rain you'll have the choice to start from a certain scene or start a new game all together.
Personally it's hard to describe what to expect from Heavy Rain. It's safe to say though that the game itself is an acquired taste. People that like simple shooters and online multiplayer will probably find Heavy Rain slow and tedious. For gamers who enjoy RPG's and cinematic experiences in video games the game will be an instant classic.
Graphics - Graphics are amazing in terms of facial animations and character models. The problem is sometimes they outshine the environment a little to much.
Sound - A good soundtrack combined with talented voice actors adds to the experience. There's a few funny quirks though, especially in the way the word 'oragmi' is pronounced but it's easy to overlook. A fun fact though about the voice actors is the characters you see on the game look exactly like their voice acting counterparts. Save for a slight difference between hairstyles for the voice actor that played the role of Madison.
Controls - The controls can be a little clunky at times but the use of the sixth-access function on the controller makes for some interesting gameplay. The control scheme actually becomes pretty enjoyable during fight scenes.
Story - Easily one of the best narrative ever in a video game. On par with the likes of Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid 2 (personal preference).