A fresh new game everyone should try it least once.
PS3 Only
Players: 1
Heavy rain is a murder mystery game and probably the only of its kind next to indigo prophecy. The game has 4 main story lines you follow with each one taking on a different outcomes depending on how far you take that characters story. You will be following Madison Paige, Ethan Mars, Norman Jayden, Scott Shelby, through their paths to find the Origami killer. He basically steals little kids and puts them in a drain pipe that fills over days giving clues on how to find them to the father. Ethan Mars is that father and he goes through he game going through painful trials to get the clues to save his son, Scott Shelby is a detective hired by the families of the killers victims and Jayden is FBI. The controls remind me of an old school resident evil game but when any important events come up you will find the game plays out like a series of button sequences that of resident evil 4. So basically this game is more about the story than the skill.
The Good: The story is great and hardly ever dull. You will definitely bond with all the characters even through the trivial small things the game makes you do. It will definitely keep you wondering the different possibilities the game has to offer and trust me there are lots of them. It is fun to watch the game play out even if you are not playing(believe it or not I was co-pilot pretty much the whole game). This is the kind of originality the game industry thrives on.
The Bad: You might only be able to play this game once seeing as it won't change who the killer is and on top of that after you have seen the story your way it will be hard to do it differently. The game is not very skill based a lot of the time its moral based, so if your the twitchy shooter lover kinda gamer this will be a big change for you. If you are an observer of the game you probably won't be able to jump back into the game after seeing it being played as the game is pretty much ruined for you.
Conclusion: There is other stuff I could talk about when it comes to Heavy Rain however I don't want to spoil the game. I think this is a unique experience anyone with a ps3 should pick up and it least try once. The game will last you 10-20 hours depending on how you progress, so weather you want to rent this basically one time deal or buy is up to you. I think this one should end up on the shelves of most ps3 gamers eventually weather it be now or later down the road when it drops in price but don't pass up the experience either way.