Compelling & Heart Wrenching

User Rating: 10 | Heavy Rain: Move Edition PS3
Undoubtedly one of the greatest games ever made! Any game that can make you actually feel for the characters and want to finish the game in one sitting (which i didn't do!!!!) has got to be played to be believed. I'm a fan of the old school adventure games such as monkey island, broken sword etc and this has made me realise that great story driven games can still be made. I can't explain how good this game is, if you have the move controller and want a game then buy this, the only negative is maybe its on the short side, but hey some of the best movies are on the short side.

Please be warned this game is not for kids, the adult themes are strong throughout involving bad language, child murder and nudity so if you're easily offender, you may want to act on the side of caution. I love this game and can't wait to play through a second, third forth etc