Heavy Weapon Blows Away All The Garbage 360 Arcade Games Has To Offer. (At least for online)
You can collect the following Rating / 10
Shield Orbs: (2) Pretty pointless at level 1 and 2, You may just win the lottery if these block anything at those levels. Level 3 is alright mid-game but you are still required to dodge throughout the game. Late game there are too many blue bombs flying at you, along with other things for these shields even at level 3 to be anywhere near effective.
Guided Missile: (9) Strong, Accurate, Brutal, But it tends to drift if it's locked target is destroyed.
Laser: (7) Accurate, but not very deadly at level 1 and 2 unless it is early game, The laser accounts for this by having the ability to shoot out bombs flying at you with ease, not to mention it is the only weapon (next to your default bullets) that can actually kill the Nuclear Bombs and Artillery Missiles.
Unguided Missile: (6) Very deadly at level 3, but also very slow, the slow velocity makes missing easy.
Flak Cannon: (10) Instant Hit (no projectile travel), Far Range, Big Radius. It is my personal favorite and it turns small and medium targets ships to dust.
Against larger targets It's death by a million cuts.
Lightning: ("By itself" 2) (Combined with others, 8) Lightning seems to be very deadly when 2 or more players have level 3. It's effectiveness is based on the number of enemies which will cause it to rapidly bounce between more targets before dissipating. It's a great late-game survival weapon.
The power ups you get in this game are pretty straight forward but none of them effect the actual weapons you get.
Speed bonus (Tank speed +)
Spread Shot (Adds spreadshot to your main gun, Max: 5)
Rapid Fire (Dosen't seem to do much, seems to only speed up the main gun after a spreadshot upgrade is acquired)
Shields (Adds bonus shield to your tank)
Gun Upgrade (Upgrades the main gun to make it stronger and bigger)
Now I can rant on and make this look like a Guide but I won't.
Nukes are very important when it comes to survival games. Timing is crucial as wisely spent nukes can greatly extend your survival time.
Super Laser, I find it boring to use after you have used it 300+ Times, Though it is neat, Just collect 4 falling randomly-timed super laser pieces and whallah, You get a super laser that destroys everything on contact for a limited amount of time.
Not much more to say about gameplay, except that it is really insane later on in a group of 4 people.
SOUND: The sound was done well, it has a catchy tune for the music part. Though really the only weapons that have sound when they fire is the laser and main gun (Super laser and nukes too =) ). All others are silent unless they contact something. The sound effects could have used a bit more base to it, make it sound more explosive, But I guess hearing the never ending rampage of your main gun is enough.
GRAPHICS: I don't know what to say about graphics, Though I like them for a 2D game.
Value: Replay value is insane, I always come back for more, though you can find the game boring after losing a few survival matches, it latches onto your brain and you want more after a short while. I'v never had more fun in a multiplayer arcade game. The glitches this game has for War Party and Single Player make this game look like a leadboard frenzy instead of a legit challenge, The online is frustrating with people who suck really bad. ( I can't see how they don't have any common sense ) I would recommend playing with friends you can communicate with.