Low quality game, but lots of crude humour if your into that sort of thing.
And pretty much all the voices sound like they came from 1 guy... even the girl characters are done by a guy. The quality sounds like they recorded it all in a garage, theres strange echo and vibration, and many times the volume level doesn't match up with Hectors voice compared to the people hes talking to.
The graphics are really poorly done, I think of ancient games like Day of the Tentacle, or Sam and Max, and the graphics even though pixeled, they were bright and detailed and you could spot various things on the screen which you could interact with. In this game, you have no clue if you can use anything on the screen unless your scrolling the mouse all over the screen blindly until you find something. The graphics look like an newbie flash animator made them.
Its too bad Taletale put their names on this game to publish it, but its obvious the same people that made sam and max, bttf, and Monkey Island, didn't make this game.