Why bother and make that game?? what is Konami thinking?

User Rating: 1 | Hellboy: The Science of Evil PSP
I appreciate the effort -the huge sweaty effort- that people put to make a game ... moreover, i know of the extra effort that you make to even make the game Enjoyable, individual and unique! Hellboy: The science of Evil does not have any element to make it a DECENT game, it is boring and linear ... nothing will attract you in, nothing will suck you in that flat world.

1 - The Graphics are not amazing, especially that there is no CG opening scene and they continued that with Silly looking ugly 2D animation inside! 2-No sounds! the music is normal and not engaging, but no characters sounds, we are back to 1997! 3-Gameplay is DULL ... it is criminal that such games are still being made in that way, punch punch open punch use ... Duh!

4-Movements are Slow and heavy ... It is a game that will put you to sleep instantly for how slow Hellboy walks! 5- What is the story again!?!?!? Konami, Please!!!!

6- AS IF Iron Man Game was not bad enough we have another Super Sucks Hero Comic Book Movie Franchise game! I am very very very very disappointed of Konami, very Pissed ... that game should not have been made ... i believe that (other than Square Enix) no Gaming company respects the PSP as a hardcore console thus they make **** games in short period of times, examples: check the difference of quality between Prince of Persia for PS2 and the one for PSP ... it is ugly the texture size is the size of my head! Again, Crisis Core: FFVII proved with no doubt that the PSP is capable of making a lengthy amazing looking fantastic captivating games ... but alas! we do not see other games that step up to prove that too!

Konami! you SUCK!