Awesome detailed and visual opening cutscene to this game leads you down the path to the darkside...
You take on the role as a holy human Templar fighting for the very right to save mankind. As you fight your way through this clever designed world you get a wide variety of classes and skills to use against your enemy, making it a pretty fun hack and slash/shoot em up type game. The levels are intense with multitudes of creatures to blow up or chop in half as it seems they are helpless to stand up to your might. As you progress through the almost similarly designed levels to the ones that you just beat all your doing is adding to the death toll, dominating what seems thousands of beasts and several tuff bosses.
The weapon design and customization is awesome and one of the high points in this game adding and substituting different mods and specs to your weapon making it truly unique and powerful...if you have the money. The equipment all around such as armor and designs are pretty cool showing off some of EA's creative side. Once you get all armored up and suited up with your powerful creations you take on ordinary quests that are limited to the storyline and cant progress unless you further the game :(. Although, you do get to come back and beat the crap outta the same levels you previously came through and owned.
The game is fun and will keep you busy but its not great. I dont suggest a purchase of this game unless you can handle and appreciate the replay value, which is decent seeing how its a totally new game everytime you play it. THe character NPCs are funny and there is a comical side to the game portraying the "laugh to lighten the mood" feel seeing how all is doomed and there seems to be no hope. All around I give EA a good but not great 7 and hope the next installment can have extremely better graphics and more freedom style game play similar to that of a MMORPG.
THX Monkelf