I already love this game! i haven't seen a so addictive game for many years! You can easily call it Diablo 3! :D
Even though i haven't played it for a very long time i am already addicted to the game and the gameworld. The history is great and i also like the enviorments of the destroyed city of London! :D
There is many good classes to choose from which gives the game a lot of variation. You can choose between ranged classes, melee and also classes who depends more on their companions and pets.
The graphics looks fine and the monster animation looks even better!
But afterall it is not the graphics the game is about but the gameplay of course!
The classical hack'n slash gameplay never get's boring and for some reason i don't know why. But the game never looses it's fun and when you cannot not if the next demon will drop something nicely, you just keep going on! :D
The soundeffects is also good but i could use a better dialog and it is quite annoying that the voice-acting dosen't replace all the quest reading.
At least the reading could be like WoW, which have something extraordinary about the reading.
But all in all: The game is very funny and very addicting. I simply just love it!