Relies on its 3d graphics to cover up glaring flaws.

User Rating: 6 | Hellgate: London PC
Take your traditional indie diablo clone you can find in most bargain bins. You know the type - little to no story to speak of, dull gameplay, little imagination in character skills, etc. Now, slap a 3-D first/third person perspectve on it and you have Hellgate: London.

Having followed this game for the past year and playing in beta for several weeks, I keep finding myself bored after every hour I set aside to rummage through the same tunnels and city streets, shoot at monsters that mindlessly charge you, and pick up 100% uninspiring equipment upgrades.

---Drab, dull, inconsequential. You get the idea. I don't mind having to read quest dialog. I think Planescape: Torment to be one of the greatest RPG's afterall. But when all quest dialog consists of 2-4 word phrases per window that you must click to read through, I grow quite uninterested. Especially when every secondary quest is either a kill count, collection quota, or simple exploration of a map. These are mindless errands, not quests. And don't get me started on 'quest' NPC's - they are about as dull as can be imagined. ---When you get around to completing one of the main storyline's quests, you can hardly tell it wasn't just another secondary errand quest. Because that's all it was, really... well, that and a spiffy blue portal that you pop through to talk to yet another NPC who has ADHD when it comes to delivering her dialog.

---What gameplay? You run around with unlimited ammmo and/or grunting wildly with your sword. Despite being billed as an MMOG to entice otherwise ignorant consumers, actually having people play alongside you is a rarity because of the group-forming mechanism. Namely, there isn't one. You basically spam in-game channels that you wish to group and hope that, amidst the game's introverted 14 year old population, that there's an exception.
---For Christ's sake, you can't even split a stack of items. Is this concept so mindbending? It was only introduced... hell, I don't even recall since it's so basic. Want to have full control over how you advance your character's skill points? Too bad, the first point is casually pre-spent for you.

This game is so incredibly shallow and unpolished that I doubt it would have ever made a blip on anyone's gaming radar if it were not for the fact that the developers are tied to Diablo2. Judge this game on what it is and not what you wish it to be; if you feel that this game is anything but an incredibly dull and incomplete Scifi Diablo clone with no innovation from the past ten years of gaming, you're lying to yourself.