Who dares to compare this... this... *$/#% with Diablo ? Theres so little in common!

User Rating: 2 | Hellgate: London PC
Ok. I'm Diablo fan. What does Diablo and Hellgate have in common? NOTHING. This is something totaly different. Only thing I noticed is that theres a boy Wart, ex Wirt from Diablo and his peg leg. Everything else is... Just not Diablo. I must say I'm sooooo dissapointed in this as I have had great expectations. I thought "hey new diablo, rpg, cool". And when I bought the game and played it for 7 days, realised that it was better to donate 50$ to some homeless or hungry people. The game doesnt deserve description cause it can be compared with lamest try of MMO. If this was a free downloadable MMO I wouldn't spend my limit on it. But I realised one thing finaly: "NEVER EVER WILL I TRUST THE COMMERCIALS AND GOSSIPS!"... The ones who compared this with Diablo are either some 10yr old children or a developers family. Haha.

Conclusion: Avoid this at all cost. It's better to pay another 3-4 moths in WOW, or just play something else. The team who made Diablo... Heh... No wonder they got sacked from Blizzard