Although being a fun hack n' slash game, Hellgate: London feels incomplete, for now...

User Rating: 7.5 | Hellgate: London PC
The days of Diablo 2 are coming back, mindlessly clicking and enjoying every second of it. Having only heard a little about the game prior to actually playing the demo, I had not felt the pressure of the hype, nor was I really into it. After downloading and playing the demo, however, I was hooked. The demo, although short and limited, felt very promising that Flagship Studios have brought the Diablo days back and made them prettier.

Picked up the game on launch day and put a good 8 hours into it that night. My first impression was great, everything seemed fine to start ( minus the fact that servers weren't working until much later in the night ) After playing as a blademaster ( Melee class ) I had decided that I would like to play as an engineer, as the sword classes feel all too familiar. Having the ability to use guns is a nice change, and definately mixes up the classes much more.

Playing with friends was easy enough. I did however find that the interface still needs a little love, but I am more than willing to overlook that. Having spent time leveling to 15, I found myself still liking the game very much, but disappointed as to the lack of scenery changes, the tunnel system gets very repetitive and lackluster quick. Continuing on I found that farming for better items, and the infinite race to upgrade them and add mods is as fun as ever, and in my opinion one of the better parts of the game. Though I would have given this game a higher rating ( and would have initially ) as I play more I feel this game is unfinished, and is indeed missing a lot of content. The subscription model FSS decided to use, I feel would benefit almost any mmorpg. If WoW was free but had an item cap, and level cap of lets say 20, more people would play and get a taste of what they are missing out on w/o subscribing. However, I disagree with the way FSS has followed it, it appears that they want you to subscribe now.. for content that is not out yet. One may argue and say " well they had Halloween and Guy Fawkes themed stuff " but these small quest items, and annoying unlimited quest drops are far from worth the subscription price.

As it stands I have yet to finish the game, I know I will, and I know I will enjoy it. I feel the game is too short without even finishing it, and that even though subscribing offers elite and nightmare modes, it still is not enough for myself to consider subscribing. My final verdict would be, that I have high hopes for the future of Hellgate: London, the hard working folks of Flagship Studios have a great, ambitious engine with tons of potential. I will finish the game, but I will not subscribe until there is a ton of more content, more depth, more length, and hopefully a change of scenery. Pick this game up if you want quick, easy fun, but don't invest yourself too much into it, this game still needs some love.