Bug free and anime story and character copied.

User Rating: 5 | Hellgate: London PC
First, so many bugs, to many to enumerate it. If u stay to test all of them u will find u can finish the game in a half an hour. And have level 50 in first two missions. So this thing make the game a little annoying.

Second, this game remembered my a old anime tv series, made in 1990 and something. Except there instead of London was Tokyo or something like that. Even the monsters i remembered from there. So, nothing new.
And something i do not understand, what game is that where are only 4 maps? 5? What kind or RPG is that? Where u must find an ear to make alcohol for a drunk, kill to make sleeping pills for a woman without brain... ans so on and on... i mean, where is the story? I played and i do not understand a thing from this game? Was a FPS? RPG? What was? And the ending... what happened? Where, how? I finish the game as blademaster and i do not understand a thing, what happened in the end? The book, what? I mean, from the tv anime i understand what happened with the evil and the team, but in the game, nothing. I'm very disappointed of this game. Nothing new, no story, no new monster. No party members, this was the strange part. i mean, if they copied the tv series, the must put the party team in the game, to make it more playable, i think that. I mean, all characters u have to select are the party members from the tv series, not all, but a part of them. My opinion, if they started to copy the tv series, they must to do it like in the tv, not make him unplayable. So my note for this game is 5 because they tried, but not accomplish the story, if they will ever tell they inspired from the tv anime.

But in these day, to steal ideas from things made in other countries is something normal. I mean, Finding Nemo, taken from French, Power Puff Girls from Japan Anime, and so on and on... Nothing new. I hope in an Hellgate: London update, or second part to repair all of this and bring something new, or to bring all the stories form tv series. Or invent a STORY!!!! Something to make it interesting. I played just for fun of it, but, is a game u never play it again, never. One time is enough.

If u ask what tv series i speak about, well, i let the Hellgate: London creators to tell that, in the second part where they put the correct story and the party members. I do not want to spoil the surprise. An Japan anime fan like me know what tv series is about.
