Great hack and slash RPG with a few problems...

User Rating: 8 | Hellgate: London PC
Hellgate:London is a suprisingly fun game to play. The game has lots of loot to find, tones of demons to kill and the graphics look decent. But there are some downsides as well...

The Good:

Graphics - Better then I expected. On high settings they look great, but I keep them on Med-High for best frame rate.

Sound - Not bad. I like the sound of monsters getting cut down and the music is great, really gets the blood pumping. Could use more verbal interactions with NPSs.

Gameplay - Almost like Diablo in 3D. Feels a lot like a FPS when your a Hunter. Very fun with 2 or more people.

Loot - One of the best aspects of the game. Finding that one piece of armor or wepon you've been looking for has a great feeling to it.

The Bad:

Multiplayer - Still needs work. Its fun to team up with your friends and kill some demons, but getting the team togeather is another story. Bad set up for aquiring friends.

Bugs - several bugs have caused me to crash to windows. Very fustrating when in multi player and are unable to see your friends fighting right beside you.

Bottom Line: A great concept, but feels unfinished. Could have used a few more multi-player options and a couple more months in the Beta. Overall it brings me back to my Diablo days which I loved so much. Its worth playing and it should get better after the first patch.