Great hack and slash RPG with a few problems...
The Good:
Graphics - Better then I expected. On high settings they look great, but I keep them on Med-High for best frame rate.
Sound - Not bad. I like the sound of monsters getting cut down and the music is great, really gets the blood pumping. Could use more verbal interactions with NPSs.
Gameplay - Almost like Diablo in 3D. Feels a lot like a FPS when your a Hunter. Very fun with 2 or more people.
Loot - One of the best aspects of the game. Finding that one piece of armor or wepon you've been looking for has a great feeling to it.
The Bad:
Multiplayer - Still needs work. Its fun to team up with your friends and kill some demons, but getting the team togeather is another story. Bad set up for aquiring friends.
Bugs - several bugs have caused me to crash to windows. Very fustrating when in multi player and are unable to see your friends fighting right beside you.
Bottom Line: A great concept, but feels unfinished. Could have used a few more multi-player options and a couple more months in the Beta. Overall it brings me back to my Diablo days which I loved so much. Its worth playing and it should get better after the first patch.