Overall this game is a lot of fun despite the many bugs and repetitive game play.
The graphics and sound are OK they aren't anything special but they aren't unacceptable either.
There isn't much of a story as far as I can tell, the opening movie had more story than the rest of the game combined, and the quest text was pathetic.
This game is very repetitive, I have a high tolerance for that as long as what I am repeating is fun, but after awhile the game becomes a chore. The enemies may look cool, but are all the same throughout the entire game, just change their names and size/color, and sometimes even make them into bosses.
There are some areas of the game where they tried to change it up, like you control a small group of men and lead them to safety. But they are executed poorly and aren't really fun at all.
The bugs are unforgivable, You get stuck, your memory gets exhausted(this one was fixed), sometimes you can see your party, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you get credit for killing quest MOBs sometimes you don't. It is VERY annoying and this game was rushed to the shelves.
Wait a few months before picking this up, its fun for your moneys worth despite some big flaws.