Pro's and Con's + Game Features
Keeping it simple :
- It somewhat feels like the 'legendary' Diablo reborn in 3D
- Tons of stuff, weapons, monsters, etc
- Good looking graphics
- That's about it !
- Randomly generated maps. Sounds great ? Well in fact you can play for 100h and never see anything different from what you saw in the first 2h of gameplay, except for different monsters. There are 5 "types" of maps. This basically means they repeat throughout the whole game but the barrels are in different positions :)).
- Items. Although there are a lot of them, I failed to remember the name of any one item. It practically doesn't matter what armor or weapon you have, It doesn't matter what damage your weapon does, everything is randomly generated. After about 1h you're find a better sword (for ex) so who cares what the first one was called :-/ ? Of course you can also upgrade the old one. Basically you get the same end result: you can kill bigger monsters.
Also if a weapon has a damage of 100 (ex), it may do less damage than a weapon with 60 damage. Why ? I don't know. Probably it has something to do with the "special effects" damage, the "interrupt" damage or god knows what else. What does interrupt damage mean ? I don't know. And that's the problem !!
- Overly complicated game mechanics. Most monsters have multiple attacks and do special damage. Then you have "rare" "legendary" monsters which are the same monsters, but they have more attributes. Put together you end up with a monster " Ravanger, rare, blinking teleporting phased regenerating". So what do all those things put togheter mean ? I don't know.
I could go on with 100 examples but I'm not in the mood.
- Let's talk big issues !!! Sound. None of the NPC's speak. You aren't immersed at all in the game. I honestly have no idea what the story was about. It was so dumb/boring that I didn't think the effort of reading the dialogues was worth it. Music, none to be found :|. There actually is music in the game, but it only kicks in at random maybe once an hour :|. Even then it has no correlation to what is happening on the screen. So for the entirety of the game you're be hearing only your footsteps and the sound of your weapon hitting an enemy.
- Story/gameplay. Kill 600.000 monsters to complete the game. There is nothing else ! I swear !!! Go from station to station ( get tougher monsters on the same maps as before. actually they are different maps, they just look exactly the same =)) ) . In my case the "world map" got broken so I ended up
redoing "side maps" ( as I call them) just because I had no idea where to go.
In the stations and at key points on some maps you're going to see NPCs.
The problem: they are living statues :)). They don't move, don't talk. 1 or 2 times I saw them engaging an enemy (which happened to walk into them) but they do almost no damage. They don't die, but they don't do anything else either :).
The list could go on forever, I just hope you've made an idea about the annoying issues in this game. It's not worth playing ! If you want to find out more, just read some of the other review. The ones with a 3-7 score are mostly accurate.
It doesn't have an amazing story like GOTHIC, Oblivion, Diablo.
It's 100% linear and blunt. But don't forget everything is randomly generated. So those barrels are in different spots on every map ;) =)). And they weapons always have different damages. 91 ? 95 ? Who knows ! COOOL !
Do you have any reason to play it ? I don't think so...
But if you like the idea of killing 1.000.000 monsters in a Diablo-ish style (keep pressing that left mouse button ), but you don't even need a story to back up why you're doing it THEN THIS GAME IS FOR YOU !
ps: Wasn't sure what to pick for the difficulty score.
You could say it's easy because even when you die all u have to do is run from the entry point to your body ( in ghost mode :)) ) and you'll respawn on the spot. Ahh you can also pay to respawn on the spot if you're lazy and don't want to run the 100m to your body.
But you could say it's hard because [ not again! ] of those randomly generated monsters. The tough ones always come 3 at a time( 2 rare+1 legendary) and sometimes you'll find them sitting 1m in front of the gate when you enter the map. Annoying... And going back isn't an option. Remember my advice : KEEP PRESSING THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON AND THE 1 KEY ( shortcut for health) !!!!