Old school platforming makes this game a very fun experience
Most of the dialogue in this game is text, with a few spoken "noises" thrown in. The music compliments the game very well though and the sounds of the weapons and enemies dying keep you entertained.
The graphics, although not bursting with any form of realism, are done n a very pleasing style. There are alot of strange enemies and all are styled and animated very well. It is also a very colourful game and pleasing to the eye.
This is an old school platformer, in every sense of the word, but with the added tetris-sytle puzzle in the bottom screen, that means that there are two things to keep an eye on and it can get very hectic but remains very challenging and fun at the same time. When you kill enemies in the top platform screen, their souls go down to the bottom to make coloured blocks. To clear them you need to make 3 or more of the same colour. Sometimes I've found myself concentrating so much on the platforming and killing of enemies, I've forgotten about the puzzle below, but its fairly easy to swap and clear them, but you do need to be quick as you may not always have time (the bottom screen is managed by a timer, so you may not always have enough time to match all of the blocks.
BUT (yes thats right, there is a but, this game isn't all milk and cookies), I have one word.....lives!! Thats right, "lives" (the old arcade concept of the protagonist having only a few lives and when these are all gone, the game is over or you return to the beginning of the level) makes a rather frustrating return in this game. I'm not sure why this has been included, but my opinion is to increase the length of the game. So far I've put in over 10 hours and only 46% done. The levels are broken down into a few sections, so if you die, you can start from the beginning of that section once you've passed it. However, when you run out of lives completely, you have to start from the very beginning (with all 5 lives given back to you, another puzzling aspect as to why they included it in the first place). This can cause no end of frustration, especially if you're at the final level boss and you have to go all the way back to the beginning of the level. I can't honestly believe that EA thought that this would be a good thing to include, other than to extend the life of the game. Yes the satisfaction is slightly higher when you complete the level, but this is out-weighed by the frustration you experience having to re-play the levels over and over again.
Final Thoughts
This is a highly addictive game and despite the frustration of the said "lives" comeback, you will want to push through it. For the price I paid for it and the level of fun I've had playing it, its well worth seeking it out to try it for yourself.