Soon after the success of Doom and Doom 2 clones started to appear. Heretic is one of them, it uses the same engine. There is a story which has something to do with serpent riders. These are three demon brothers. In this game you take on the first, D'Aspril. The others are the endbosses of heretic's sequels "hexen" and "hexen 2". The game looks and controls a lot like Doom. In Heretic the player can look up and down and sometimes fly for a short while. The weapons are also very different. You use crossbows and magic rods instead of guns. You fight different enemies also, creatures like gargoyles, minotaurs and humanlike figures. The game is made up out of episodes. You start of in the city of the damned, which is infested by monsters, then like Doom you go to hell in hell's maw and finally you take on the serpent rider in the dome of D'Aspril, on the bottom of the ocean. A stand alone expansion was later released called Heretic: shadow of the serpent riders. Heretic was a fine first person shooter at the time with a medieval twist. Playing it now is kind of silly. 3d first person shooters don't age well. Time for a remake!
The Good: It has the graphics and gameplay of Doom and Quake, but with magic from an RPG, the controls and gameplay are great. The Bad: I can't run it anymore!!! It's too old!!! NOOOO! -------------------------------... Read Full Review
In Heretic, there is a planet vastly populated unto the zenith of its might and power. There are seven great kingdoms and satraps in this world, and each are held in thrall unto their own demands and secret interests to ... Read Full Review