Settlers starting to look a bit like warcraft.
However I feel this last addition (Settlers V) , seems to be trying to be more like a warcraft style game and has lost a lot of its inocent Settlers charm. Settlers I feel is more about building up grand settlement and having the settlers dancing and skipping in the streets. The military should stay in their buildings and only come out and fight if there is a threat.
On the plus side. I do find this game much better in not having building boundaries as in the previous ones which I found a bit anoying. The 3D game play enviroment is more fun and the mining is pretty cool. The Hero introduction is ok but anoying having to many in the campaign mission, it makes it feel like commandoes. The weather and the control of weather is ok but the seasons could change a bit more smoothly. It is a good aspect that the weather changes how the people work and move. That's all I feel like saying on this for now.
Hopefully by the next one they could instill a bit more of the tradishional settlers charm into a gorgeous 3D enviroments with guard towers that send out soldiers but don't control land borders but control it by an area that the soldiers can go out and attack in from the guard tower. Also what about the bakeries and water collecters.
That's my point of view I hope it helped.
kind regards Rhamen Mallett.