If you want to know what all the fuss is about you will have to play the game, theres no other way to describe it!
I must admit I am an impatient sod when it comes even to RTS games, and a turn based strategy like Heroes III seems like a match made in hell for me. But this games does not play out like "Civilisation" or many other turn-based uber-nerdery. How well it works together can not be given justice by describing merely what you do, but heres how it goes:
You start off in a normal scenario with one town, in this town you build buildings that enhance the profit of resources, build units and fortify your walls. The process does not take very long but requires genuine thought and a bit of knowledge of the units. The competition comes in as you hire "Heroes" that carry your units from town to town to enemy town, picking up artifacts, levelling your hero up and battling with enemy heroes at home, away and on the field.
A concept that doesn't sound very origional? Well its the execution of the gameplay that gives HoMM3 its killer punch. After 2 hours you will not be a seasoned vet but you will be hooked in such a way that every town loaction is like a home from home. I know it sounds rather lame but the design is so natural you can breeze through seemingly complex settings with ease and get the boring bits out of the way (to be fair these bits become the best and most rewarding after a while) so you can get to some combat!
Combat is pretty much like chess on acid with cyclopses, knights, undead, egyptian mummies, skeletons, ancient greek myths, giants, daemons, angels and dragons and a bit of magic for the RPG elements that accompany each hero. You move your units into hexagonal positions on the screen as does you opponent, positioning is important but more so id the size and quality of your army, if you invest well early your opponent is bound to have a weaker army if you are clever enough.
It all comes down to whits, unlike your typical shooter which is fun in itself but intelligence seems to have missed the train. I was lucky enough in childhood to play this in real life company on the same screen, and from then on in I couldn't get enough of the game, that is the way it is meant to be played, in company or against a real opponent. But in all honesty is still a perfect 10 against the cracking AI.
If you get into this (which you certainly will do if you invest £3 or $5 in the game you'll find on ebay always or a lot of decent game stores, best purchase of my life!!!!) you'll have a job of initially convincing a mate or family member that this game is worth a pop. From the outset, a nerd 90s game with dragons, inside: a gem, a masterpiece, a Van Gough yet to be remembered by humanity. Universally speaking, this game appeals to men, and i won't draw a line in the sand but as a young lad this became like cocaine and still is. The wonderful thing about gaming is that there are some games that stand the test of time, this game on its own regardless of the sub-par sequels and preceeding installment, would last me until I loose the game and forget about it. Which is never i'll always keep it close even if my future partner thinks its lame :D
I don't give perfect scores ever but this game deserves it, its the one game out of all i'd recomend you will thank me if you play it :D